Trying to find the most effective and popular penis enlargement solution on the Internet can be a bore or a frightening trip to the dark side, depending on your patience and level of expertise in using search engines. A simple search will yield millions of websites and it’s pretty clear from the start that you can’t go through them all. That’s why we decided to make a short list containing the most effective penis enlargement solutions, while also being mindful of their popularity among users. After all, who could be better informed than the user himself?
If you have already tried doing your own research before reading this article, then you are probably familiar with names like ProSolution Pills, Semenax, ProExtender, ProEnhance, OptimRX, MaxiDerm, VigRX, Magna RX, Size Genetics, Elongate Pro, Herbal Vivid, and VolumePills. The question is, of course, which one of them is good for you.
The penis enlargement solutions are also split into several categories, based on their effects and methods. For instance,
VolumePills and Semenax are pills that focus on increasing the volume of sperm produced by the body. They both boast an impressive array of herbal and chemical ingredients, such as Zinc, Bladderwrack, Catuaba Bark and Solidilin. However, it seems that users find
VolumePills to be the more popular of the two and, more important, the one to work better and quicker. Also, the 6-month money back guarantee offered by
VolumePills is far superior to the 7-day return window at Semenax.
The simplest and most straightforward are those designed for pure penis enlargement. The most popular of the lot seem to be VigRX,
ProSolution Pills, Elongate Pro and Herbal Vivid. In terms of popularity, VigRx and
ProSolution Pills are battling for the top spot with
ProSolution Pills slightly in the lead. This slight lead is due mainly to the Extra Strength formula and the bonus free access to penis enlargement exercises that help the pills work faster.
Vimax Extender,
Size Genetics, Jes Extender and ProExtender are penis enlargement systems based on the use of a traction device. Users are split over the effectiveness of these systems, but even a cursory glance shows that
Size Genetics comes with an astounding set of bonuses. Aside from the traction device,
SizeGenetics customers also get the ProSolution enlargement pills, the VolumePills we discussed above and access to a website featuring enlargement exercises. What more could one ask? Also, we advise you to stay away from pumps, since this type of devices carry a high risk of damaging the penis.
Another approach to penis enlargement is the patch. Patches are used to deliver ingredients directly into the blood flow, through the skin. The best-known products in this category are
ProEnhance, Power Enlarge, Virility Patch and Maxi Derm. However, Virility Patch and Power Enlarge contain the controversial ingredient Yohimbe, which has a history of unpleasant side effects. A good rule of the thumb is to stay away from all products featuring this ingredient. Maxi Derm also lost out on customer popularity because of the 7-day product return window, which is really beyond many people in various countries. This leaves us with
ProEnhance as the hands-down winner of this category.
And at the end come the exercises. These are the “do it yourself” approach to penis enlargement and do not require any device or pills. There are several websites around offering access to exercises, chief among them
Penis Health, Penile Fitness, Penis Development and the Ultimate Penis Enlargement Guide. The websites are popular among their customers, although Penile Fitness is much more expensive than the others. The biggest range of exercises are available on the
Penis Health website, which we recommend as the best around.